

Denisova-Schmidt. E. (2024). Breaking the Bonds of Corruption: From Academic Dishonesty to Informal Business Practices in Post-Soviet Ukraine. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. & Leontyeva, E. (2022). Korruptsiya na Dal’nem Vostoke: kompromiss mezhdu narodom i vlast’yu. (Engl.: Corruption in the Russian Far East: Compromise between the Society and the Government). Moscow: Common Place.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (Ed.) (2020). Corruption in higher education: global challenges and responses. Leiden: Brill.
Featured in UWN, 23 November 2019;
Reviewed by Karen MacGregor, Goolam Mohamedbhai, and Jan Petter Myklebust.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (Ed.). (2018). Cheating and plagiarism in higher education. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond (HERB) 3 (17), Moscow: HSE.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2017). The challenges of academic integrity in higher education: current trends and outlook. CIHE Perspectives 5. Chestnut Hill: Boston College.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2015). Russlanddeutsche. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Zeitzeugen erzählen über Heimat, Migration und Engagement. Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag.
Featured in Mir Rossii, March, 2017

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2013b). Siuzhety o korrupcii v rossiiskich fil’mach i serialach: Vzgliad rossiiskich studentov. (Engl.: The Representation of Corruption in Russian Movies and Sitcoms: A Russian Student Perspective.) Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2013a). Korrupciia v Rossii: aktual'nye tendencii i perspektivy. Vzgliad rossiiskich studentov (Engl.: Corruption in Russia: Current Trends and Outlooks. A Russian Student Perspective.) Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2012). Korrupciia v povsednevnoi zhisni, biznesse i kul’ture: vzgliad rossiiskich studentov (Engl.: Corruption in Everyday Life, Business and Culture: A Russian Student Perspective). Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag.


Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Academic integrity and international students: an inclusive approach. In Eaton, S. E. (Ed.): International Handbook of Academic Integrity. Springer.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Academic Integrity Through the Lens of Informality. In: Curtis, G.J. (eds) Academic Integrity in the Social Sciences. Ethics and Integrity in Educational Contexts, vol 6. (201−212). Springer, Cham.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Diversity and Inclusion in the European Boardroom. In B. Hofer-Bonfim, M. Zehetgruber, E. Peters, & J. Schnitzer (Eds.): Diversity and Inclusion across languages. Insights into communicative challenges from theory and practice (pp. 189−204). Berlin: Frank&Timme.

Markovina, I., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2021). Этнопсихолингвистическая теория лакун / Ethnolinguistic theory of lacunae. In I. Sternin, N. Ufimtseva & Myagkova, E. (Eds.): Российская психолингвистика: итоги и перспективы (1966–2021): Коллективная монография / Russian Psycholinguistics: Results and Prospects (1966–2021): a Research Monograph (pp. 172−178). Moskva: Институт языкознания–ММА / Institute of Linguistics RAS–MIA.

Denisova-Schmidt E. (2021) Mitigating Corruption in Higher Education. In: van't Land H., Corcoran A., Iancu DC. (Eds.) The Promise of Higher Education (pp. 153−159). Springer, Cham.

Denisova-Schmidt E., Firnhaber P. (2021). Smooth Operator: The Chair as the Drive Belt of the German Governance System. In: Shekshnia S., Zagieva V. (Eds.) Leading a Board (pp. 211−236). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yaşargil H., Denisova-Schmidt E. (2021). Turkey: Between Traditional and Modern Leadership. In: Shekshnia S., Zagieva V. (Eds.) Leading a Board (pp. 341−364). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. & Schmidt, T. (2020). Russian language in Switzerland. In B. Norman & H. Kusse (Eds.), The Russian language outside Russia (pp. 270−292). Yekaterinburg and Moscow: Armchair Scientist.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2019). Cross-Cultural Differences among Students: Challenges and Opportunities for Intelligent Internationalization. In K. A. Godwin & H. de Wit (Eds.), Intelligent Internationalization. The Shape of Things To Come (pp. 56−60), Leiden: Brill/Sence.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Firnhaber, P. (2019). Smooth Operator: The Chair as the Drive Belt of the German Governance System. In S. Shekshnia & V. Zagieva (Eds.), Leading a Board. Chairs’ Practices Across Europe (pp. 139−160). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yaşargil, H., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2019). Turkey: Between Traditional and Modern Leadership. In S. Shekshnia & V. Zagieva (Eds.), Leading a Board. Chairs’ Practices Across Europe (pp. 161−180). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Prytula, Y., Pohorila, N., Tyahlo, S., Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Huber, M. (2019). Recent regional economic development in Ukraine: does history help to explain the differences?
In U. Schmid & O. Myshlovska (Eds.), Regionalism without Regions: Reconceptualizing Ukraine’s Heterogeneity (pp. 297−366). Budapest: CEU Press.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2019). Corruption in higher education. In Teixeira, P. N., & Shin, J.-C. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of international higher education systems and institutions. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2018). Corruption, the lack of academic integrity and other ethical issues in higher education: What can be done within the Bologna process? In A. Curaj, L. Deca, & R. Pricopie (Eds.), European higher education area: the impact of past and future policies (pp. 61–75). Chem: Springer.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2018b). Shpargalka (Cheat Sheets). In A. Ledeneva (Ed.), The global encyclopaedia of informality, Volume 2: Understanding social and cultural complexity (pp. 287–289). London: UCL Press.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Kryzhko, O. (2018). Weiterbildung zum Umgang mit Korruption in Russland. In S. Wolf & P. Graeff (Eds.), Korruptionsbekämpfung vermitteln (pp. 269−288). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2017). The Unified State Exam in Russia: Problems and Perspectives. In G. Mihut, P. G. Altbach, & H. de Wit (Eds.) Understanding Global Higher Education (pp. 261−263). Rotterdam: SensePublishers.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., & Prytula, Y. (2016). Corruption among Ukrainian businesses: do firm size, industry and region matter? In J. Leither, & H. Meissner (Eds.) State Capture, Political Risks and International Business. Cases from Black Sea Region (pp. 108−119). London and New York: Routledge.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2016). Academic Dishonesty or Corrupt Values: the Case of Russia. In D. Torsello (Ed.), Corruption in Public Administration: an Ethnographic Approach (pp. 105−137). Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2016). The Shadow Economy and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine. In A. Sauka, F. Schneider, & C. C. Williams (Eds.), ‘The Entrepreneurship and Shadow Economy’, (pp. 151−168). Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Müller, M., & Schmid, U. (2015). Russia. In Y. Sánchez & C. F. Brühwiler (Eds.), Transculturalism and Business in the BRIC States: A Handbook (pp. 207−228). London and New York: Routledge.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2015). Transcultural Studies in a Russian Context. In Y. Sánchez & C. F. Brühwiler (Eds.), Transculturalism and Business in the BRIC States: A Handbook (pp. 95−102). London and New York: Routledge.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2013). How Unwritten Rules Can Influence Human Resource Management in Russia. In Ch. Giordano & N. Hayoz (Eds.), Informality in Eastern Europe (pp. 383−400). Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Informal Practices in Russia. State Influence on the Business Activities of Foreign Companies Operating in Russia. In Z. Mansfeldova & H. Pleines (Eds.), Informal relations from democratic representation to corruption. Case studies from Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 205−224). Stuttgart: Ibidem Publishers.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Lakunen-Analyse zur empirischen Forschung interkultureller Kommunikation − Methodologie. In O. Rösch (Ed.): Osteuropa – interkulturelle, interlinguale und kulturvergleichende Studien. (pp. 170−187). Berlin: News & Media (Wildauer Schriftenreihe Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Bd. 7.).

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Geschäftspartner Russland. Erfahrungen mit einem europäischen Land der besonderen Art. In: A.-C. Tanner, C. Siebeneck, & B. Brändli (Eds.): Schweiz und Europa - Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft. 6. Band der Schriftenreihe der Assistierenden der Universität St. Gallen (HSG). (pp. 165−172). Bern: Stämpfli Verlag.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2010). Cross-Cultural Communication in Russia. Current Trends in the Establishment of a Discipline. In D. Haunreiter (Ed.): Kommunikation in Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft. 5. Band der Schriftenreihe der Assistierenden der Universität St. Gallen (HSG). (pp. 123−140). Bern: Stämpfli Verlag.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2009). Kulturbedingte Unterschiede und Verstehensprobleme zwischen russischen und deutschen Wissenschaftlern. In: M. Bürgel & A. Umland (Eds.), Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Hochschullehre in Osteuropa IV: Chancen und Hindernisse internationaler Bildungskooperation (pp. 244−263). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2006). Kulturbedingte Unterschiede und Verstehensprobleme („Lakunen“) zwischen russischen und deutschen Wissenschaftlern.
In A. Wolff, & R. Zollner (Eds.): Umbrüche. (pp, 185−206). Regensburg (= Materialien Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Bd. 76).

Denisova, E. (2003). Anforderungen an die interkulturelle Kommunikation in Russland und mögliche Antworten des Fremdsprachenunterrichts an Beispielen aus dem Ural.
In O. Rösch (Ed.): Veränderungen in Europa – Anforderungen an interkulturelle Kommunikation mit osteuropäischen Partnern. (pp. 150−159). Berlin: News & Media. (Wildauer Schriftenreihe Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Bd. 5.).


Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2024). Korruption und Informalität in Russland. Zeitschrift für Slawistik

Barsukova, S., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). “Lots of Money, Few Restrictions and a lot of Creativity”: The Changing Role of Political Strategists in Russia. Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 31(4), 435-459.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Applied Aspects of Lacuna Theory. Mir Rossii, 32(3), 167-179

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Markovina, I. (2023). Racism and related concepts in the Russian linguistic consciousness. Zeitschrift für Slawistik, 83-97.

Denisova-Schmidt E. (2023). Academic dishonesty at Russian universities: a historical overview. Universe of Russia32(1), 159−181.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2022). Korruption im Hochschulwesen. Scheinwerfer – Das Magazin gegen Korruption, 97, 14.

Denisova-Schmidt, E, Huber, M., & Prytula, Y. (2022). Perceived Anonymity and Cheating in an Online Experiment. Eastern European Economics, 60(6), 540−558.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2022). Der Instrumentenkasten russischer Polittechnologen. Scheinwerfer – Das Magazin gegen Korruption, 95, 8.

Barsukova, S. & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2022). Double standards as modus operandi: mixing business and politics in Russia. Europe-Asia Studies, 74(6), 990−1005.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. & Solovyeva, A. (2022). On subregional differences in attitudes towards petty corruption in Far East RussiaDemokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 30 (2), 187−210.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2021). Responses to the challenges of training and retaining scholars in Russian academia. Mir Rossii, 30(3), 174–187.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., Leontyeva, E., & Solovyeva, A. (2021). Combining experimental evidence with machine learning to assess anti-corruption educational campaigns among Russian university students. Empirical Economics, 60, 1661–1684.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Markovina, I., & Nicolas-Kryzhko, L. (2020). The lacuna model – an innovative tool for analyzing cross-cultural differences. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 20(3), 329−343.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2020). The end of the academic profession in Russia? Mir Rossii, 29(3), 86−95.

Barsukova, S. & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2020). Political “investments” by businesses in Russia, or why does business finance election campaigns? Polis. Political Studies, 3, 110−125.

Denisova-Schmidt, Huber, M. & Prytula, Y. (2019). The effects of anti-corruption videos on attitudes toward corruption in a Ukrainian online survey, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 60(3), 304−332.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Prytula, Y., & Rumyantseva, N. (2019). Beg, borrow, or steal: determinants of student academic misconduct in Ukrainian higher education. Policy Reviews in Higher Education, 3(1), 4−27.

Barsukova, S., Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Ledeneva, A. (2018). Informalität oder Korruption Kritik der quantitativen Korruptionsforschung. Osteuropa, 8/9, 25−40.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2018). Corruption in doing business in Ukraine: a way to get things done? Business Horizons, 61(6), 867−879.

Milovanovitch, M., Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Anapiosyan, A. (2018). Conflict of interest in Eastern Europe: “academic capture”. International Higher Education, 92, 34−35.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2017). Academic career challenges for women in Switzerland. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond (HERB), 14(4), 16−17.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2017). Ukraine: endemic higher education corruption. International Higher Education, 90, 16−18.
Featured in Times Higher Education, June 2017; Science, October, 2019.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & de Wit, H. (2017). The global challenge of corruption in higher education. IAU HORIZONS, 22(1), 28−29. 

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2017). Perceived corruption and trust among Ukrainian firms. Eastern European Economics, 55(4), 324−341.

Shekshnia, S., Ledeneva, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2017). Managing business corruption: targeting non-compliant practices in systematically corrupt environments. Slavonic and East European Review, 95(1), 151−174.
Featured in Harvard Business Review Russia, September, 2017

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2016). Corruption in Russian Higher Education. Russian Analytical Digest, 191, 5-9.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2016). The Global Challenge of Academic Integrity. International Higher Education, 87, 4-6. 

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., & Leontyeva, E. (2016). On the Development of Students Attitudes towards Corruption and Cheating in Russian Universities. European Journal of Higher Education, 6 (2), 128−143.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., & Leontyeva, E. (2016). Do anti-corruption educational campaigns reach students? Some evidence from two cities in Russia and Ukraine, Voprosy Obrazovaniia, 1, 61−83.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2016). Liike-elämän korruptio Ukrainassa (Engl.: Business corruption in Ukraine), Idäntutkimus, The Finish Review of East European Studies, 1, 94−95.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., & Prytula, Y. (2015). An experimental evaluation of an anti-corruption intervention among Ukranian university students. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 56(6), 713−734.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2015). Categoriia ‚neobuchaemykh‘ studentov kak sozial’naia baza universiteta: primer dal’nevostochnykh vuzov (Engl.: ‘Un-Teachable’ Students as the Social Basis of Universities: Examples from the Russian Far East), Sociologicheskie Issledovaniia, 9, 90-97.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Kryzhko, O. (2015). Managing informal business practices in Russia: the experience of foreign companies. Mir Rossii, 24(4), 149−174.

Rumyantseva, N. L., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2015). Institutional Corruption in Russian Universities. International Higher Education, 82, 18−19.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2015). Academic Dishonesty or Corrupt Values: the Case of Russia. Brussels, EU: ANTICORRP.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2014). Institutional Performance and Social Values in Russia. Brussels, EU: ANTICORRP.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Leontyeva, E., & Prytula, Y. (2014). Vozmozhnosti sravnitel’nogo podkhoda v issledovaniiakh rossiiskoi i ukrainskoi sistem vysshego obrazovaniia: genezis, struktura, korrupciia (Engl.: Russian and Ukrainian Higher Education Systems: Possibilities for Comparative Studies on their Genesis, Structure and Corruption). Khavarovsk: Vestnik TOGO, 3, 263-266.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2014). The Unified State Exam in Russia: Problems and Perspectives. International Higher Education, 76, 22−23.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Shekshnia, S., & Ledeneva, A. (2014). Anti-Corruption Strategies for Businesses Operating in Russia. Russian Analytical Digest, 144: 5-8.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Huber, M. (2014) Regional differences in perceived corruption among Ukrainian firms, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 55(1), 10−36.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2014). Korruption und informelle Praktiken im ukrainischen Geschäftsleben. Ukraine-Analysen, 130, 16−19.

Shekshnia, S., Ledeneva, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2014). How to Mitigate Corruption in Emerging Markets: The Case of Russia. Harvard University: Edmond J. Safra Working Papers, 36, http://ssrn.com/abstract=2391950

Shekshnia, S., Ledeneva, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2013). Reflective Leadership vs. Endemic Corruption in Emerging Markets. INSEAD Working Paper 2013/121/EFE.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2014). Justification of Academic Corruption at Russian Universities: A Student Perspective. Edmond J. Safra Working Papers, No. 30,  http://ssrn.com/abstract=2353513

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Dashidorzhieva, B. (2013). How international retailers recruit employees in Russia: some cultural peculiarities. Journal of Psycholinguistics, 2(18), 136−148.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2013). Corruption in higher education and research: Russia.  Vytautas Magnus University. Coping with new legal challenges in education. Kaunas (Lithuania), 55−62.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2012). Do Russian universities teach their students to be corrupt? Some empirical evidence from the Far East. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives, 10(3), 258−275.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2012). Corruption and informal practices in Russia. Euxeinos, Online Journal of the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe 7. 

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Quota for the employment of disabled people in Russia: strategies for compliance. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies collection, 1(4), 1−6.

Human Resource Management in Russia: Some Unwritten Rules. In: WU Online Papers in International Business Communication/Series One: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning, No. 8, 2011. 13 p. 

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2010). Korruption und informelle Praktiken im russischen Geschäftsleben: Fallbeispiele aus der Sicht ausländischer Unternehmer. Russland-Analysen, 210: 8−10.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2010). Russkie kompanii v Evrope. Laboratorija Kasperskogo i Sberbank. Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 3, 10.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2009). Russkii yazyk v Germanii. Russkii yazyk za rubezhom, 6, 61−62.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). Six situations in Russia. A cross culture check. ENGINE, Englisch für Ingenieure, 2, 39.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). Internationale Unternehmen in Russland: Herausforderungen für das HR-Management. Persorama, das Magazin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Human Resources Management, 2, 20−23.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). The Transfer of Western Human Resource Practices to Russian Subsidiaries.  WU Online Papers in International Business Communication/Series One: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning, No. 2.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2007). Analiz lakun. Voprosy etnopsycholinguistiki, 6, 39−51.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2007). Interkulturelle Missverständnisse im Schüleraustausch. Merkblatt für Lehrer/Lehrerinnen und Eltern. Hamburg: Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2007). Using the lacuna model to detect cultural problems in American-Russian business communication. An example from the civil aircraft industry. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Beitrag zur Festschrift für Renate Rathmayr, 66, 73−90.

Denisova, E. (2004). Gebrauchsanweisung für das Medienportal und die Moodle-Plattform zum Thema "Muttersprachler im Russischunterricht". Praktika - Forum für den Russischunterricht, 4, 42−44.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova, E. (2004). Internetplattform „Muttersprachler im Russischunterricht“ − Ein neues Projekt an der Humboldt-Universität. Praktika – Forum für den Russischunterricht 1, 50−52.

Denisova, E. English-Speaking Countries. Tests.
In English. Anglijskij jazyk. No. 36; (23 - 30 September) 2003


Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). A Roadmap to the Future of Academic Integrity Research. Tracey Bretag (ed.): A Research Agenda for Academic Integrity. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 22(1), 160−161.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Higher education in Russia by Yaroslav Kuzminov and Maria Yudkevich, foreword by Philip G. Altbach, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press. European Journal of Higher Education,13(2), 255−256.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2022). Universities in Russia: An Insider’s Perspective.
Kuzminov Y., Yudkevich M. Universities in Russia: How It Works, Moscow: HSE (in Russian). Mir Rossii, 31(1), 203−209.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2016). Philip G. Altbach: Global Perspectives on Higher Education. Wissenschaftsmanagement, 6, 53.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Mezenin, S. (2016). Serghei Golunov: The Elephant in the Room. Corruption and Cheating in Russian Universities. Europe-Asia Studies, 68(3), 539−540.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2013). Alena V. Ledeneva: Can Russia Modernise? Sistema, Power Networks and Informal Governance. Osteuropa, 10, 222−223.

Das System Putin. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (2013), Nr. 199, S. 8

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Ulrich Schmid: Lew Tolstoi. Osteuropa, 61 (7), 176–177.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2010). Loren Graham and Irina Dezhina: Science in the New Russia. Slavic and Eastern European Journal, 54(2), 406−407.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2009). Joachim Willems: Interkulturalität und Interreligiosität. Eine konstruktivistische Perspektive. Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 14(2), 2.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2009). Mikhail Ivanov: Survival Russian. Slavic and Eastern European Journal, 53(2), 332−334.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). James G. S. Clawson and Mark E. Haskins: Teaching Management. A Field Guide for Professors, Consultants, and Corporate Trainers.
Business Communication Quarterly, 71(4), 505−509.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). Astrid Ertelt-Vieth: Interkulture Kommunikation und kultureller Wandel. Eine empirische Studie zum russisch-deutschen Schüleraustausch.
Slavic and Eastern European Journal, 52(2), 332−333.


AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 58, Issue 1, February, 2015: 9.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages),Vol. 57, Issue 4, December 2014: 7.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 57, Issue 3, October 2014: 11.

(with E. Kudrjavceva) AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 56, Issue 3-4, December 2013: 7.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 56, Issue 2, April 2013: 5-6.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 55, Issue 3, October 2012: 2-3.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 55, Issue 1, February 2012: 16-17.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 54, Issue 4, December 2011: 14.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 54, Issue 2, April 2011: 10. 

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 54, Issue 1, February 2011: 11. 

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 53, Issue 4, December 2010: 11.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages)
, Vol. 53, Issue 3, October 2010: 9.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages)
, Vol. 53, Issue 1, February 2010: 13.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages)
, Vol. 52, Issue 4, December 2009: 9.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 52, Issue 3, October 2009: 13.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 52, Issue 2, April 2009: 15.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 52, Issue 1, February 2009: 14.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 51, Issue 4, December 2008: 8.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 51, Issue 3, October 2008: 9.


Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Kryzhko, O. (2017). New Approaches to the Study of Cross-Cultural Differences. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1, 12740

Informal Practices of Doing Business in Russia.
Paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe, 2-4 December, 2010, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna: 131-139. 

Geschäftsleben in Russland: interkulturelle Missverständnisse.
In: Tagungsband der 7. Konferenz für Fremdsprachen & Business Kommunikation in der internationalen Wirtschaft, Düsseldorf, 2008: 69-72.

Cultural Conflicts in American-Russian Business Communication: An Example from the Civil Aircraft Industry.
In: AATSEEL Annual Meeting, 27-30 December 2006, Philadelphia, PA: 137.

Kulturelle Besonderheiten des Personalmanagements in Russland.
In: the Sixth Interdisciplinary Symposium European Cultures in Business and Corporate Communication (EUKO), 15-17 November, 2006, Abo Akademi, Finland: 25-26.

Berlin segodnja: vostok i zapad? Inter- i intrakul'turnye osobennosti ob'edinennoj stolicy Germanii.
In: Evgenij F. Tarasov (Hg.): Jazykovoe soznanie, ustojavšeesja i spornoe. XV Meždunarodnyj simpozium po psicholinguistike i teorii kommunikacii, Moskva, 30.05-02.06 2006 g. Moskau (Selbstverlag) 2006: 93.

Mežkul'turnye osobennosti i problemy v amerikano-rossijskich delovych vsaimootnošenijach na primere aviacionnoj promyšlennosti.
In: Evgenij F. Tarasov (Hg.): Jazykovoe soznanie, ustojavšeesja i spornoe. XV Meždunarodnyj simpozium po psicholinguistike i teorii kommunikacii, Moskva, 30.05-02.06 2006 g. Moskau (Selbstverlag) 2006: 94.

(mit Ertelt-Vieth, A.): Kul'turnye različija i problemy ("lakuny") meždu nemeckimi i rossijskimi učenymi.
In: Evgenij F. Tarasov (Hg.): Jazykovoe soznanie, ustojavšeesja i spornoe. XV Meždunarodnyj simpozium po psicholinguistike i teorii kommunikacii. Moskva, 30.05-02.06 2006. Moskau (Selbstverlag) 2006: 359.

Berlin segodnja: Vostok i Zapad? Empiričeskoe issledovanie o mežkul’turnych osobennostjach meždu vostočnymi i zapadnymi nemcami.
In: Oleg F. Rodin (Hg.): Mežkul’turnaja kommunikacija: sovremennye tendenzii i opyt. Materialy II. Vserossijskoj naučo-praktičeskoj konferencii. Nižnij Tagil, 2006: 38-42.

Einsatz von Lernmanagementsystemen für die Lehrerbildung (am Beispiel „Muttersprachler im Russischunterricht“).
In: 21. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), München, 3.-6. Oktober, 2005. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: 120.

(mit Ertelt-Vieth, A.): Was Sie schon immer über LAKUNEN wissen wollten.... In: 21. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), München, 3.-6. Oktober, 2005. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: 190.

Vostočnye i zapadnye berlincy segodnja.
In: Šestaja meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija „Perevod i mežkul’turnaja kommunikacija“, Jekaterinburg, 2004: 189-190.

East and West Berlin from the Perspective of Berliners Today.
In: II. Konferenz zur DDR-Forschung “Überhaupt ist vieles viel verschiedener", an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin vom 03.-05.10.2003: 82.

Interkul‘turnoe i intrakul’turnoe.
In: Evgenij F. Tarasov (Hg.): Jazykovoe soznanie, ustojavšeesja i spornoe. XIV Meždunarodnyj simpozium po psicholinguistike i teorii kommunikacii, Moskva, 29-31 maja 2003 g. Moskau (Selbstverlag) 2003: 73-74.

East and West Berlin from the Perspective of Russian Scientist Today.
In: Pjataja meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija „Perevod i mežkul‘turnaja kommunikacija“, Jekaterinburg, 2003: 136-137.

Vzaimodejstvie jazyka i kul’tury: ponjatija "fonovye znanija", "lakuna".
In: Četvertaja meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija „Perevod i mežkulturnaja kommunikacija“, Jekaterinburg, 2002: 45-47.

Gosudarstvennyi obrazovatel‘nyi standart, nacional‘no-regional‘nyi komponent na primere Sverdlovskoj oblasti.
In: Vserossijskaja naučnaja konferencija „Nacional‘no-regional‘nye komponenty gosudarstvennogo obrazovatel‘nogo standarta, Kazan‘: TGGI, 2002: 31-36.

Lingvokul‘turnyi potencial učebnogo predmeta "Inostrannyi jazyk".
In: Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija „Informacija. Kommunikacija. Obšcestvo.“, St. Petersburg, 2002: 83.

Razvitie motivacii k izučeniju inostrannogo jazyka s oporoj na nacional‘no-regional‘nyi material v staršich klassach obščeobrazovatel‘noj školy. Autoreferat zur Dissertation – Uraler Staatliche Pädagogische Universität, Jekaterinburg, 2002. 21 Seiten.

Formirovanie i stanovlenie kul‘tury ličnosti v processe škol‘nogo obrazovanija. In: Social‘no-psichologiĿeskie problemy razvitija ličnosti. Materialy I Vserossijskoj naucnoj internet-konferencii. Vyp. IV, TGU, Tambov, 2001: 46-48.

Ličnostno-dejatel‘nostnyj podchod čerez prizmu nacional‘no-regional‘nogo komponenta.
In: Dejatel‘nostnye zadanija v sisteme monitoringa. Materialy IV naučno-praktičeskoj konferencii, Polytechnisches Gymnasium MOU, Nižnij Tagil, 2001: 44-45.

Vvedenie nacional‘no-regional‘nogo komponenta na territorii Sverdlovskoj oblasti: teorija i praktika.
In: Obrazovanie v XXI veke. Materialy Vserossijskoj naučnoj zaočnoj konferencii. Kniga 1: Obrazovanie i kul‘tura na poroge XXI veka. Tver‘, 2001: 140-142.

Prepodavanie inostrannych jazykov v Rossii: rol‘ znanij o mežkul‘turnoj kommunikacii i mentalitete naroda stran izučaemogo jazyka.
In: Etnos. Jazyk. Kul‘tura: nacional‘noe i individual‘noe mirovidenie. Materialy tret‘ej Vserossijskoj naučnoj konferencii. Vyp. 3. Slavjansk-na-Kubani, 2001: 48-49.

Interes kak motiv učebnoj dejatel‘nosti.
In: Molodye učenye Volgo-Ural‘skogo regiona na rubeže vekov. Materialy jubilejnoj naučnoj konferencii molodych učenych. Ufa, 2001: 75-76.

Lingvostranovedenie kak didaktičeskij princip prepodavanija inostrannych jazykov.
In: Molodye učenye Volgo-Ural‘skogo regiona na rubeže vekov. Materialy jubilejnoj naučnoj konferencii molodych učenych, Ufa, 2001: 215-216.

Soderžanie obrazovanija. Sovremennye tendencii.
In: Molodye učenye Volgo-Ural‘skogo regiona na rubeže vekov. Materialy jubilejnoj naučnoj konferencii molodych učenych. Ufa, 2001: 216-218.